AGE: 23
GENDER: MALE (he/him)
SKILLS: playing bass, dyeing his own hair
LIKES: bass guitar, dogs, joseph
DISLIKES: shouting, his parents
OCCUPATION: ride operator

~ BIO ~

tom is a ride operator at dream park. he is the newest employee at the park. the situation tom is in when he enters dream park is one of desperation, having been unemployed for months and with no one to turn to after severing ties with his family. he is initially unaware of the true nature of the park.

outside of work, tom plays bass in a local band.


in order of newest to oldest.

like guests, dream park employees forget any negative experiences of the park when they leave. left only with the unease and dread but not the memories. unlike guests, they will remember everything when they re-enter the park for their next shift.